Perception is a new first person narrative horror survival game currently being developed by Deep End Games. It was recently Kickstarter funded and features both a regular and Silent Mode version. The release date is still TBD. This game will be available on PC. A Collectors Edition can be purchased at the Deep End Games official website.
While Cassie doesn’t have an arsenal of weapons, she does have her wit, her cane and her smart phone. Armed with these tools, she finds clues to unravel history as she navigates her way through the home via echolocation. Cassie soon discovered that she is not alone and that the house is haunted by the Presence. The house and the Presence do everything they can to keep Cassie from discovering it's secrets. The presense pursues Cassie in a game of cat and mouse. A game that can prove deadly when our only way of seeing is through sound. And yet sound can also give you away. Is it worth the risk to chance being discovered?
Once spotted, your only hope is to run, hide, and pray that it doesn’t find you. Cassie uses ambient sounds of the house as well, such as taking advantage of when the grandfather clock rings, or when a loud pipe whistles. She can throw objects and use items like alarms to create "sound bombs” to distract her enemies. Cassie uses her smartphone to examine evidence left behind. And as she puts the pieces together, she’ll find herself jumping back in time.
The game takes place over many different eras. As the house changes hands and different people have come and gone, the house has changed in multiple ways and significantly. players will need to discover the source of evil in each generation and with each chapter comes more questions.
Perception Trailer